It All Starts Here
San Francisco

在任何一天, from any angle, you’ll notice something different—和 something special—in the City by the Bay. It all starts here in San Francisco.

The Golden Gate Bridge is pictured with large flowers in the foreground.
金门大桥哪边的景色最好? 你得把它们都看一遍,然后自己做决定.

你可能认为你对贝博体彩app了如指掌, but there’s so much you haven’t seen, 听到, 尝过, or experienced. That’s why now is the perfect time to plan your visit.

No matter what type of traveler you are, you’ll find yourself right at home here. From our beloved icons like the 缆车Painted Ladies to trendsetting new 餐厅 和 buzz-worthy 事件在美国,贝博体彩app有适合每个人的东西.

Discover how you can create an unforgettable experience in the most fascinating 49 square miles on the planet.

See What's Happening

in San Francisco


A l和mark of possibility 和 promise. 它是前瞻性思想家、变革者和反传统者的灯塔. That's San Francisco. 这就是文化、无畏和创新碰撞的地方. It all starts here.

Visitors enjoy authentic Mexican food in San Francisco's Mission neighborhood.

Find Romance in San Francisco

Tony Bennett isn’t the only one who left his heart in San Francisco. Travel with your special someone 和 experience the cool, gray city of love. From decadent dinners to breathtaking sights, there’s plenty here to light a spark.


吃 Your Way Through San Francisco

San Francisco is surrounded by some of the best farml和 和 vineyards in the nation. Wherever you choose to eat 和 drink, you’ll be served the freshest ingredients from a diverse community of culinary creators who have put their 餐厅—和 our city—on the map. From contemporary Asian fusion at Anzu to classic burritos in the Mission or high-end Michelin-starred cuisine, 在贝博体彩app你永远吃不完美味的食物.

A group of visitors take a selfie on a bus tour near the Golden Gate Bridge. San Francisco, CA.

Bring Your Crew to San Francisco

Exploring San Francisco with your best friends is a guaranteed way to make lasting memories. 超越基本的生活,像当地人一样生活几天. 了解贝博体彩app的方方面面,不是每个人都能看到的.

Men hanging out in the Castro

Out 和 Proud in San Francisco

在贝博体彩app,人人都是受欢迎的. The city that practically invented gay remains a haven for anyone looking to express their authentic selves 和 find community.

An artist paints a mural on the side of a building in the Mission District, 在建筑上贴了一个牌子,上面写着“壁画正在进行中”." San Francisco, CA.

Get Inspired in San Francisco

很少有城市像贝博体彩app那样鼓舞人心. 想想我们令人难以置信的本土作家名单吧, 诗人, 电影制作人, 音乐家, 和 performers—to say nothing of the many who flocked here to join the scene.

Family at Presidio Kite Festival

Family Fun in San Francisco

San Francisco is the perfect destination for kids—和 kids at heart. You’ll find attractions 和 activities to captivate all ages, from toddlers to teens. 最重要的是,你可以很容易地享受城市最好的预算.

The Golden Gate Bridge at sunset with a multicolored sky 和 the San Francisco Bay in the foreground.
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Book Your Stay
in San Francisco

从豪华酒店到实惠的精品酒店, 找到你在贝博体彩app的完美住所.
